
Who should be the signatory for immigration forms within a company?
This is a question that many new corporate clients ask us, and it's a great question! The USCIS policy manual instructs that benefit requests (immigration filings) filed by legal entities like corporations, LLCs, etc should be signed "by a person with the authority to sign on behalf of the petitioning entity." That certainly leaves a lot a leeway, but it also doesn't mean that just anyone employed by the company can sign the immigration paperwork. Authorized persons typically include:
The person signing the document must have the authority to legally bind and commit the entity to the terms and conditions attached to the immigration filing, and attestations made in the request.
Some of our corporate clients designate one person as the immigration point of contact (POC) - the person who coordinates directly with our team - and designates a separate person as the signatory. Others have the immigration point of contact also be the signatory. Either way works, but here are some things to consider in determining who will be the signatory for immigration forms for your company:
Certainly the decision of who the signatory for immigration forms should be made with care and intention. The person signing is making attestations and committing to certain terms and conditions of employment on behalf of the company. But that being said, there is flexibility as to what particular person/position will have this task. We find that various positions work for this particular role, depending on a variety of factors including the company's size, immigration case volume, company structure, and specific roles and delegation authority within the company.
If you are not yet a Sumner Immigration Law client and you’re looking for an experienced, empathetic, and efficient team to help you navigate the process with confidence, please contact us today and set up your initial consultation to get the process started! You can set an appointment online. You can also call us at 804-396-3412 or send us an email at We are immigration lawyers in Richmond, VA but we serve clients throughout the U.S. and around the world. For more information on our firm visit Who We Are and What Makes Us Different! We look forward to hearing from you!
As always, the above information is for educational purposes only and is not legal advice. Please speak with a qualified immigration lawyer before taking action.
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